Personal Projects

Notes Web App
Notes Web App10 Nov 2022
This is a Web Application which runs into browser. We can add notes and delete them too. We can also create new notes. This is built using vanilla JS and uses local computer's memory to store notes.
Notes Web AppNotes Web App
FIFA Player Search
FIFA Player Search21 Oct 2021
FIFA player search can be used to search FIFA 19 players. Following the search results will lead to details of the specific player.
FIFA Player SearchFIFA Player Search
Nearme Eating Hub
Nearme Eating Hub11 Feb 2022
This layout is built using React JS for food & restaurant category of a imagined website named Nearme
Nearme Eating HubNearme Eating Hub
Netflix Homepage Clone
Netflix Homepage Clone16 Nov 2021
Netflix Homepage Clone is built using React JS. It uses themoviedb API to fetch data and display results. The mini video trailers are linked to the Youtube API
Netflix Homepage CloneNetflix Homepage Clone
Real Homes Real Estate Website
Real Homes Real Estate Website21 Feb 2022
This is an imaginary website names Real Homes which displays rental and on sale properties of UAE. Rapid API is serving data for this project. This project is built using NextJS and it has fully functional filters available for searching properties. It also uses popular React libraries such as Framer Motion
Real Homes Real Estate WebsiteReal Homes Real Estate Website
Tesla Homepage Copy
Tesla Homepage Copy15 Nov 2022
Tesla Homepage Clone is created using React JS and styling is done using styled components
Tesla Homepage CopyTesla Homepage CopyTesla Homepage Copy
Coding Services
Coding Services15 Oct 2021
This is an imaginary Web Services provider website which is built using React JS and Bootstrap 5. This was my first pet project in React JS
Coding ServicesCoding Services
© 2022, a portfolio website created by Kanchan Chaudhary powered by Next.js